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Want to become a Fashion Designer? Become an Eco Friendly Fashion Designer instead!

Hello Readers!!

Welcome back to my Blog. Today i'm going to be talking about the effect Eco Friendly Fashion designers have in our world. If we don't change all of the global pollution by 2030, people are predicting that the global population is set to 9 billion also. Each person on the planet throws away an average of 70 pounds of clothes away EVERY YEAR!!! If by 2030 there are 9 billion people, imagine how much clothes that are going to waste! Nature will struggle worse than ever before. Weather you are already an eco friendly fashion designer, or planning to become one, designing on sustainability principles is a lot more than using organic fabrics, dyes, and textile. Im now going to list off 5 reasons you want to become an Eco Friendly fashion designer.


Eco-Fashion designers reduce the amount of micro fibers released into the environment. Maybe your wondering right now, what are micro fibers? Micro means small. And fibers are a synthetic yarn which is a type of yarn that is made of things that cause great pollution. Eco friendly fashion designers reduce the use of micro fibers.


Eco Friendly fashion designers greatly reduce toxic waste AND support the rights of animals.


Their clothes are also distinct and extremely unique.


They also lead to less strain on the planets lovely resources. Eco friendly clothing is made through sustainable materials only.

Last but not least,


Eco friendly fashions put your safety first and DON'T harm you!

I really hope that those reasons inspired you to switch to Eco!

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. For more blog posts, like the posts and comment what you have learned! And share my blog to friends and family so they too can help save our world! Don't want to miss any posts? Follow me on istagram @Siennastylesfashion or @ecofashionfrenzyforkids

Thanks for reading this once again! stay tuned for my next post coming next week!

Bye for now!

-Sienna Salcedo

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